Zero Animal Exploitation - the missing Sustainable Development Goal

If the crowdraise to record the song is successful in garnering funds, Beyond Cruelty Foundation will work to group the activist campaigns of all animal charities and activists together under a common campaign for Zero Animal Exploitation in the future, and argue that this should be added as number 18 in the series of Sustainable Development Goals approved by the United Nations (UN SDGs).

Currently the UN SDG's are almost wholly human-centric and the only nods to animals are number 15 -  Life on Land and number 14 - Life Below Water.

Disgustingly, the Life Below Water SDG talks about conservation but continues to promote fishing as a sustainable activity. It should surely already be obvious that no amount of regulation can make fishing sustainable. There is also no mention of animal agriculture being the no. 1 cause of ocean dead zones and water pollution.

Even more disgustingly, the Life On Land SDG discusses deforestation and restoration of habitat, but makes no mention of the no. 1 cause of deforestation, biodiversity loss and habitat destruction, which is, again, animal agriculture. 

Generally, none of the SDG's, from the Responsible Consumption and Production, to the Climate Action, to the Zero Hunger , to the Clean Water and Sanitation, make any mention whatsoever of the 150+ billion animals killed every year for human consumption,  nor do they mention the inefficiency, the greenhouse gases, the fresh water utilisation and waste generation, or any of the other highly damaging aspects of animal agriculture, nor do they suggest that humans should in any way combat the inexorable growth in animal exploitation. 

This is a huge omission, and for this reason, Beyond Cruelty is proposing the addition of SDG 18 - Zero Animal Exploitation, to accelerate the transition to a compassionate world, one that is cleaner, kinder and healthier for all. 

If you agree with us, please post, share and tweet using the hashtags #missingSDG #SDG18 #zeroanimalexploitation and @UN to ensure that they see our campaign, and do include in your posts the image below.


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